Friday, January 28, 2005


Good Morning,
Below is a picture of Burpee's new "Steak Sandwich Tomato." Don't they look delicious? You better order your seeds soon!
Their web site is

Good Morning To You,

I received my copy of the new , Burpees 2005 catalogue and I just had to send it on to you. If you haven't received yours, here is the link -

You all know that I am always interested in tomatoes, and when I find something new, that I think is good I want to pass it on to you. It wont be long now untill we will be busy in our gardens, and I am trying to be' ready to help in any way I can. I will be waiting for your questions. No charge, just doing this because I love those good Home Grown Tomatoes. I did not have time to ask Burpee 's about useing this picture, hope that it is alright, if not let me know.

We are having nice weather here in The Tennessee Valley today, tempeature is 36 at 11:30, we do have a prediction for freezing tonight. The high for today should be 45.

All for today, talk to you soon. Smile a little today.

Bye Bye

Monday, January 24, 2005


A good poem written by Edgar Guest. He was one of the best.


Foxes can talk if you know how to listen, My Paw said so
Owls have big eyes that sparkle and glisten, My Paw said so.
Bears can turn flip-flaps an' climb ellum trees, An' steal all the honey away from the bees, An' they never mind winter becoz they don't freeze; My Paw said so.

Girls is a-scared of a snake, but boys ain't, My Paw said so,
They holler an' run; an' sometimes they faint, My Paw said so. But boys would be 'shamed to be frightened that way when all the snake wants to do is to play: You've got to beleive every word that I say, My Paw said so.

Wolves aain't so bad if you treat "em all right,My Paw said so. They'er as fond of a game as they are of a fight, My Paw said so. An' all of the animals found in the wood, Ain't alwas ferocious. Most times they are good. The trouble is mostly they'er misunderstood, My Paw said so.

You can think what you like, but I stick to it when, My Paw said so. An' I'll keep right on sayin', again 'an again, My Pa said so. Mabye foxes don't talk to such people as you, An'bears never show you the tricks they can do, But I know that the stories are true, My Paw said so.


In the spring we will be having a lot of news and help for you about producing that Good Home Grown Tomato. Don't miss it.
I don't have any thing more for today. It is some warmer this tuesday morning. It was 29 at 8:30 AM. The skies are clear, and no rain for today. Hope to have some pictures soon.
Bye Bye DAD.



Good Morning,

It is cold in the Tennessee Valley this morning. The sun is supposed to shine very brightly today, but right now at 6 AM the tempeature is 12 degrees. It is colder here today than it is up in Green Bay, I just checked there and WeatherBug says 17.

I don't have much to talk about on this cold morning. So I am going to give you a little thought for the day that I like and then go and get me a cup of that good coffee. It sure smells good.



" A little more kindness and a little less creed, A little more giving and a little less greed: A little more smile and a little less frown, A little less kicking a man when he's down; A little more "we" and a little less "I", A little more laugh and a little less cry; A few more flowers on the pathway of life, And fewer on graves at the end of the strife.


All for tody. Smile today if you possibly can. Bye Bye

Friday, January 21, 2005


Hello to You, ( Sunday morning, Jan.23-05. Hope you feel as good as I do today. The tempeature is 18 at 5:30 AM. Will see you Monday morning. Smile today . Dad.

I want to make a special note to my Journal friend in Canada. I made a comment on your Blog and for some reason it published it 10 or 11 times! Sorry this happened----Dad.

It's still warm in The Tennessee Valley. I am ready for spring, you know without me telling you what I would like to be doing this morning.But I will just have to be patient and wait, it won't be long." Those Good Home Grown Tomatoes " nothing like them. There is a song titled," Home Grown Tomatoes". My good Florida friends sent this to me some time ago, and I always think of them when I look at this song.

At 8 AM the temperature was 45 and we expect a high of 48 for this day. there is 80% chance of rain on Saturday.

I like this little thought. We all should be careful how we walk, especially fathers. But all of us need to realize that
someone may be following us.


A careful man I ought to be; A little fellow follows me; I do not dare to go astray, For fear he'll go the self-same way.

I must not madly step aside, Where pleasure's paths are smooth and wide, And join in wine's red revelry- A little fellow follows me.

I cannot once escape his eys; Whate'er he sees me do he tries- Like me he says, he's going to be; The little chap who follows me.

He thinks that I am good and fine, Believes in every word of mine; The base in me he must not see, The little chap who follows me.

I must remember as I go, Through summer's sun and winter's
snow,I'm building for the years to be, A little fellow follows me.


This is all I have for this day. Hope to back soon. I hope that we all can have a big smile on our face today. BYE BYE

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Good Morning,

Hope all is going good with you. Things are good here in The Tennessee Valley. The weather is some warmer, which makes us glad. I haved changed templates , hope this will be better. The tomato season will soon be here, and we will be answering lots of questions, and showing many pictues from my garden. Different stages of our growing tomatoes.


Here is a poem that I like, Edgar Guest said these words..


I believe in friendship, and I believe in trees, And I believe in hollyhocks a-swaying in the breeze, And I believe in robins and roses white and red, And rippling brooks and rivers and blue skies overhead. And I believe in laughter, and I believe in love, And I believe the daffodils believe in God above.

I am no unbeliver. I know some men are true, I know the joy of summer time when skies above are blue, I know there no earthly power can shape a budding rose, Or bring a daisy into bloom; with all that wisdom known, It could not fashion, if it would the humblest blade of grass, Or strech a living carpet where the weary travelers pass.

I believe in friendsip, for I have found it good, And I believe in kindly words, for I have understood; My faith is founded on the years and all that I have seen, Something of God I've looked upon no matter where I've been. Within a swamp but yesterday a lily smiled at me. And only God could set it there to bloom for me to see.


All for now ,see you later if all goes well. BYE BYE.

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Good Morning,

I hope all is well with you today. The weather is a little warmer here in The Tennessee Valley this morning. At 3:30 AM the temperature is 36. It will be 45 toay, Sunday is one day that I like to keep quiet , so this is going to be all for today.

If all goes well hope to talk to you Monday, Keep a smile on your face.

Bye Bye.

Friday, January 14, 2005


Hello to all of you.

Yesterday I ask for help, I wanted to know how many muscles it took to smile and how many it took to frown.Well I got an answer, Click on the link below and see what the man says. Thanks to one of my journal readers for the help on this, I can always depend on you.

All for this trip, I'll see you tomorrow. Keep that smile on your face.
Bye Bye


Good Morning,

The weather is cooler in Tennessee today. At 8 AM the tempeature was 40 degrees with a high of 45 for today. Tonight it will be 25.

I don't have a lot of interesting news today, so this is all for .
now. See you later . Bye Bye.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Good Morning.

I have changed the Template on this journal, don't know if it will be better or not.

The weather is still warn in The Tennessee Valley, but colder weather is on the way. This morning at 9 AM the tempeature was 67, and rain is predicted for today . This will be all as this is just a little test , more later.

Smile today if you can, it will help a lot. Dad.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Good Morning,

I really don't have anything to say that would be helpful, but I could wish you a happy day, and give you the weather in the Tennessee Valley. At 6:30 AM the tempeature was 52, with an expected high of 68 for today. Cloudy with rain expected tomorrow,

Here is a little thought for today.

" You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live "

Joan Baez


Thats all for today. Smile today if you possibly can.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005



I don't have any thing new today . Just wanted to say Hello , and hope that every one is doing good . The weather here in The Tennessee Valley stays warm . It was 48 at 8 AM this morning, and a high of 64 is expected for today .

Don't forget when the tomato season arrives , I would like to hear from you . all for today. Keep a smile on your face today , it will help.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Good Morning:

Sunday is a day that I try to keep quiet . I like to keep this day to read, and meditate on all the good things that have come my way,

It is still warm here in the Tennessee Valley. It is 35 at 6 AM.
High today will be 60, and no rain in sight.

On my, Dad's Tomato Garden Journal, I have some news about some new varities of tomatoes that Burpee's have for 2005. They sure look good This link is to the page . Look them over . I am going to try them this spring. I will be haveing lots of tomato news in the weeks ahead. Keep in touch.

All for now. Keep that smile on today Bye Bye Dad

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Good Morning:

Its raining in Tennessee today. Still warm , at 9:30 AM it is 54. But we will have cooler weather soon .

Here is a little thought for today.

" With all the progess that we have had, Don't you just wish , just once, you could slip back in time and and savor the slower pace, and share it with the children of today. "

This is all I have for today. Keep a smile on your face today, it will help you and the ones that are looking at you.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Good Afternoon:

We are enjoying some warm weather here in the Tennessee Valley. It is 66 at 2 PM. Looking out our window it looks like spring. But I know this won't last many days. I am waiting for spring to arrive. I specialize in producing Tomatoes, and with my web page I try to help others, answering any questions that I can about any problems they may have. Here is a link to that page.

We will be glad to hear from you at any time if you have any problems. My E-Mail address is white6416r@ Give me a question any time. I would appreciate a comment on this.


All for this time. Keep smiling BYE BYE

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Entry # Thirty Three

Good Morning:

Here is a funny little poem, that I like.

Then Laugh.

Build for yourself a strong box, Fashion each part with care; When it's strong as your hand can make it, Put all your troubles there; Hide there all thoughts of your faliures, And each bitter cup that you quaff ; Lock all your heartaches within it, Then sit on the lid and laugh.

Tell no one else its contents, Never its secrets share; When you've dropped in your care and your worry, Keep then forever there ; Hide them from sight so completely, That the world will never dream half; Fasten the strong- box securely- Then sit on the lid and laugh

Bertha Backus.

Sunday is a day that I like to rest and be quite, so this is all I have for now. Lots of good pictures commng up soon, watch for them. And then Tomato season is slipping up on us, That is when you will hear a lot from me.

BYE BYE for now. Dad


Good Morning to You.

Hope that you have a very Happy New Years Day. I am not going to say much today, I think that we all should make this a quite restful day, and think about our blessins which are many. Smile today if you possibly can, you might be surprised what it could do for you.
All for this day- Hope to talk to you later. BYE BYE-- Dad.