Saturday, January 01, 2005

Entry # Thirty Three

Good Morning:

Here is a funny little poem, that I like.

Then Laugh.

Build for yourself a strong box, Fashion each part with care; When it's strong as your hand can make it, Put all your troubles there; Hide there all thoughts of your faliures, And each bitter cup that you quaff ; Lock all your heartaches within it, Then sit on the lid and laugh.

Tell no one else its contents, Never its secrets share; When you've dropped in your care and your worry, Keep then forever there ; Hide them from sight so completely, That the world will never dream half; Fasten the strong- box securely- Then sit on the lid and laugh

Bertha Backus.

Sunday is a day that I like to rest and be quite, so this is all I have for now. Lots of good pictures commng up soon, watch for them. And then Tomato season is slipping up on us, That is when you will hear a lot from me.

BYE BYE for now. Dad


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