Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Good Afternoon,
It's a beautiful day in the Tennessee Valley today. The sky is clear and the temperature is very nice, 43 at 1:30 P.M. No rain expected for a few days. The Birds are out in droves today, mostly Cardinals, and are they hungry. Keeps me busy filling their feeders, but that is what I love to do.

It won't be long until the new year will be with us, here is a little poem by Helen Fischer that I like. The years pass quickly and I am afraid that I waste a lot of my time. " Time is precious- do not waste it "

The New Leaf.

He came to my desk with a quivering lip; The lesson was done; " Dear Teacher, I want a new leaf," he said, " I have spoiled this one." I took the old leaf, torn and blotted, And gave him a new one ,all unspotted, And into his sad eyes smiled: " Do better now, my child!"

I came to the throne with a trembling heart;The year's work was done; " Dear Father I want a new year," I said, " I have spoiled this one ." He took the old year ,all torn and blotted, And gave me a new one ,all unspotted, And into my sad heart smiled: " Do better now, my child "


Thats all for today, Here is a link back to Dad's Tomato Garden Journal. I will soon be talking about Tomatoes.


P.S. I just happened to think, there may be a few of those cookies left, if they are help yourself to them. Scroll down to Entry # Twenty Nine.

Friday, December 24, 2004


Here is the plate of goodies that our friend Paulette made for us.
The link below will take you back to Dad's Tomato Garden Journal.

Sunday, December 19, 2004


Two redbirds outside my window on a snowy December day.

I counted sixteen redbirds on this bush at one time!


Good Morning,

This picture was taken yesterday in one of the many snow showers we have had. Notice the Blue Jay on the left gettin out of the way. This is first year that we have so many Cardinals to visit our feeders.I would like to hear from some of you about what is going on around your bird feeder. I would be glad to get a comment from you. They are very interesting and beautiful to watch I have another web page titled " Dad's Songbird and Rose Garden" We have a list of all the state birds on this page and just noticed that many of the states use the Cardinal as their state bird. I will give you the link to this page.



It is very cold here in the Tennessee Valley this morning. At 6 A.M. it was 14. At 11 A. M. the tempeature is up to 21, so we may be having a nice day.


Think about this today:

"I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everthing I will not refuse to do something that I can do "


See you again soon. So Long.

(Note: One of my friends in Wisconsin told me they were having trouble placing a comment on this journal, they were ask to give a pass word. I don't know what is wrong, untill I find out would any of you wanting to give me a comment just use my E-Mail. white6416r@aol.com. Thanks Dad.

Friday, December 17, 2004


Good Morning.

This blog is supposed to be all about raising tomatoes, but since it's not tomato raising time I have to write about something else ever few days so you will know that I am still around. When tomato times comes you will be hearing a lot from me. People from all over write me with question they may have, I try to answer all mail and publish it on this blog. So if you are interested in tomatoes keep in touch with me.

I have several pictures on this blog that were posted a few days ago, give them a look and see what a ninety one year old man looks like.

Here is a link to my daily journal . Dad's Tomato Garden Journal. Look it over when you have time.


A little thought for today.

" If you want to kill time try working it to death "

Sam Levenson.


This is all for today. BYE BYE.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Here I am on Thanksgiving Day, 2004, with my Great
Grandchildren, Kara, Zachary, and Mandy.
Good Morning,

Here's is a picture that I am very proud of. These three bring me very much joy, and that is worth a lot to me in my old age. I don't want to ever do anything to disappoint them in me. I have another picture on Dad's Tomato Garden Journal today that means a lot to me also.

We have very nice weather here in The Tennessee Valley today. A lot of very bright sunshine. and no rain in sight. Tempeature at the moment is 44.

This is all for today. See you soon, BYE BYE.


Good Afternoon,

Just this little thought for this day is all I have for now. I do have some more pictures for next time.

Morning Prayer.

"When little things would irk me, and I grow, Impatient with my dear ones, make me know, How in a moment joy can take its flight, And happines be quenched in endless night
. Keep this thought with me all the livelong day, That I
may guard the harsh words I might say, When I would fret and grumble, fiery hot, At trifles that tomorrow are forgot- Let me remember, Lord, how it would be, If these, my loved ones, were not here with me."

It's cold here in the Tennessee Valley today, it was 27 early his morning. see you later.