Monday, September 20, 2004


Originally uploaded by Tomato Specialist.

Good Morning to You.

I was thinking this morning just how far out does this little journal go it would be interesting to know .I would like to hear from some tomato growers in other parts of the world. And find out how they do things. It would be interesting.

. This is me on my cart on my 90th Birthday. The cart was a gift from my children and my grandson. It is a great help to me in working in my garden and filling the bird feeders. I turned 91 this year, and I am still working in the garden and yard, so I am grateful for that!

We have beautiful weather here in the Tennessee Valley this morning. The tempeature at 3AM is 53, sunny skies no rain predicted for this week. This is nice fall weather.


My thought for this day.

" You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time you must make it. "

All I have for today, more pictures comming soon. Bye Bye


Good Morning,
You won't believe this. It's only 2:52 AM Monday morning and I am sitting at my computer. I was very tired last night , so I was in bed early. I can only take so much sleep then I have to get up.

Here are some interesting facts about tomatoes. Free radicals, which can damge the body's tissues, can benefit from a chemical called lycopene that is found in tomatoes. It is effective at sweeping away particles of these free radicals. One study has suggested that just taking lycopene as a dietary supplement, by taking a pill, is not as effective as eating whole tomatoes.Interestingly, lycopene is the substance that makes tomatoes red.
(Source: BBC News)


I will be posting all the interesting information that I receive about tomatoes and other vegetables.

My thought for this day.

" We always have enough to be happy if we are enjoying what we do have, and not worrying about what we don't have."

All for this day. BYE BYE.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Entry # NINE

Good Morning,

Well it looks like storm has just about passed over. Here in the Tennessee valley we have some light rain and a prediction that it will clear up tonight. The temperature at 9:30 was 70, and that will be about our high for today.

I am anxious to get outside and do a little work. You soon get tired of just sitting in the house.

Here is a poem by Edgar Guest that I like.


I want to come to autumn with the silver in my hair, And maybe have the children to stop to look at me and stare
I'd like to reach October free from blemish or from taint, As splendid as a maple tree which artists love to paint.

I'd like to come to autumn, with my life work fully done, And look a little like a tree that's gleaming in the sun; I'd like to think that I at last could come through care and tears And be as fair to look upon as every elm appears.

But when I reach October, full contented I shall be, If those with whom I've walked through life shall still have faith in me; Nor shall I dread the winter's frost, when brain and body tire, If I have made my life a thing which others can admire.

This is all I have for today. See you tomorrow. Bye Bye.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


Good Morning,

Hope every one feels good today. I did have a good rest last night, and that does make you feel more like doing a little work. There is a 100% chance of rain here in the Tennessee Valley so I don't expect to be outside today. The hurricanes have been very bad all of us have been concerned because most of us would have family and friends in its path. There are some of our friends in Florida and the Cayman Islands that we have not heard from yet.

Here is a little poem by W.H.Davies that I like.

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad day daylight,
Streams full of stars, like stars at night.
A poor life this if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
In a few weeks we hope to have a new camera, and then we will be able to give you some good pictures of scenes in The Smoky Mountains .
All for today BYE BYE

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Good Morning,
Hope all is well with you today. We all would have worries about Ivan. If we don't live in it's path most of us would have friends that do. We hope to get word from them soon. The weather is good here in The Tennessee valley at present but heavy rain are predicted for this week end.
I enjoy reading this poem by Edgar Guest.
The White Oak

The white oak keeps its leaves till spring when other trees are bare,
And who will take the time to look, will find the young bud there;

The young bud nestled smug and warm against the winter's cold; The young bud being sheltered by the knowledge of the old.

And when the spring shall come again - and gentle turns the day,
The youthful bud will swell with strength and thrust the old away;
The youthful bud will seek the breeze and hunger for the sun, And down to earth will fall the old with all its duty done.

Then heedless of the parent leaf, the youthful bud will grow
And watch the robins build their nests and watch the robins go.
Then something strange will come to it when that young leaf grows old,
It, too, will want to shield its babe against the winters's cold.

It, too, will cling unto the tree through many a dreary day,
Until the spring-time comes again and it is thrust away;
Then it will flutter down to earth with all its duty done,
And leave behind its happy child to drink the morning sun.

How like man's life from birth to close! How like the white oak tree,
Which keeps a shelter for its young against the storms are we!

We guard our children through the night and watch them through the day,
And when at last our work is done, like leaves we fall away.


If any of you love to produce tomatoes I would like to hear from you, it don't make any difference where you live.

All for this day, hope to see you tomorrow. BYE BYE

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Good Morning,

As you would know by the title of this journal, that I am interested in growing tomatoes, and I do enjoy talking about that and helping others who might have any problems. But the tomato season is about over, so I will need to talk about some other things beside tomatoes for a while. I do enjoy pictures, and we are going to get a new camera very soon, and I hope to share pictures of my gardens, The Tennessee Valley, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park and The TVA Lakes. Also every bird or animal that we see. Also pictures of our precious Kitty, Princess.

I also enjoy good poetry. I especially like the poems that Edgar Guest wrote. Here is one today that I like.


Life is a gift to be used every day, Not to be smothered and hidden away; It isn't a thing to be stored in the chest, Where you gather your keepsakes and treasure your best; It isn't a joy to be sipped now and then, And promptly put back again.

Life is a gift that the humblest may boast of, And one that the humblest well make the most of. Get out and live it each hour of the day, Wear and use it as much as you may; Don't keep it in niches and corners and grooves, You'll find that in service its beauty improves.


We are having nice weather here in the Tennessee valley today. Early morning tempeature was 58, and a high of 80 expected. No rain expected untill wed night .

All for today, see you tomorrow. Bye Bye

My E-Mail address is

Monday, September 13, 2004



I changed the photo on "My Profile." I am adding this new post so it will take effect today.

I am going out to put feed in the bird feeders, and I will also check the roses. One bush is still blooming and has a lot of buds on it. It is a beautiful pink rose.

So long for now. Hope to see you tomorrow. Bye Bye.


Good Morning,

I am sorry I am so slow in getting this Journal started. I've been reading and learning more about posting pictures. Please be patient with me, and I'm sure I'll have something interesting soon.

It's a beautiful day in the East Tennessee Valley today - Just 80 degrees. We worry about the Hurricane because we have friends in the Cayman islands that we haven't heard from yet.

This will be all today. Hope to see you tomorrow. Bye Bye.

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Good Morning.

Hope all goes well with you today. Everything is going well here.
nice clear skies, no rain and none expected. Sunday is a day that
I try to spend quietly, hope that you can enjoy the same.

All for today, hope to see you Monday. Bye Bye

Saturday, September 11, 2004


Good Morning,

I had intended to have this Journal ready early this morning but I didn't make it. But I don't have much to say anyway. Have just been too busy today to even think.

We are having good weather here in The Tennessee Valley. No rain expected
for several days. We hope to have some good pictures here early next week.

My little thought for the day and then I'll run.

" Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. "

To find out more about us go to: Dad's Tomato Garden and Dad's Tomato Garden Journal.
See you later. BYE BYE

Friday, September 10, 2004

Click Here


Good Morning,

This is my first entry in my new Blog. I also have a Journal called Dad's Tomato Garden in the AOL Journal section. Be sure and visit me there also. I will be posting more here every day and will include some photos of my garden, the East Tennesse Valley, and the Smoky Mountains.

This will be all for today. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Bye Bye