Good Morning.We read and hear a lot of discussion these days about the depression. And it has cause me to have some very serious thoughts. You may not agree with my thoughts, but that is alright, we do at the present time live in a country that we can express our thoughts without fear.I have been reading the 6th chapter of Genesis and the first 8 verses. I hope that you will take the time to look at these verses.All that God created in the beginning he said that it was good, and this seemes to be prospering times, but when God looked down on this earth and saw that it had become corrupt at that time he said " I will destroy man whom I have created."Could this depression that is upon us today be God seeing the corruption that is in the world today be letting this happen too slow us down. Think about this and dissagree with me if you must.
I will be back again to talk to you.BYE BYE DADwhite6416r@aol.com865-850=5763Labels: Serious thought
Good Morning,-
This is Dad's thought for today.-
The camel at the close of day, Kneels down upon the dusty plain, to have the burden lifted off, and rest again.-
My soul thou too shouldst to thy knees, When daylight draweth to a close, And let the Master lift thy load, And grant repose.-
The camel kneels at break of day, To have its guide replace the load, And rise up anew to take, The desert road.-
So should thou too kneel down at morning dawn, That God may give the daily care, Assured that he no load too great, Will make thee bear.-
I am not sure of the author of this, I was going through some things of LaVerne's yesterday and I found this that she had saved many years ago. She loved poems and did write some herself, To any of you who did not know about LaVerne she was my sweet wife. She passed away May 11, 1974. DAD-
Good Morning.What in the world are you doing here, this is not any thing new, it is a blog that I started a few years ago, and did not show it very often. There were so many good pictures in is ( especially of Princess ) that I wanted to show it again. I will not be posting in this every day, just when I have something to show you. I will have a link to it in the side panel to your right. Thats in my regular blog. I hope to see you over here every time that want to come, but don't expect to get Starbucks coffee over here, you will need to go back to my regular journal for that. I love you all and I wish that I did not have to cause you so much trouble. Keep on SMILING over here too.BYE BYE DADwhite6416r@aol.com
Good Morning. Here is a poem by Edgar Guest about a boy and his dog. I love Edgar Guest poems. DAD......A Boy and His Dog by Edgar Guest.
A boy and his dog make a glorious pair:No better friendship is found anywhere,For they talk and they walk and they run and they play,And they have their deep secrets for many a day;And that boy has a comrade who thinks and who feels,Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels.He may go where he will and his dog will be there,May revel in mud and his dog will not care;Faithful he'll stay for the slightest commandAnd bark with delight at the touch of his hand;Oh, he owns a treasure which nobody steals,Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels.No other can lure him away from his side;He's proof against riches and station and pride;Fine dress does not charm him, and flattery's breathIs lost on the dog, for he's faithful to death;He sees the great soul which the body conceals--Oh, it's great to be young with a dog at your heels!.....BYE BYE DAD
Good Morning.Here are some very valuable information about usein Tomatoes.How can you tell if a tomato is mealy before slicing into it?Tomatoes are greatly affected by temperature, even during the growing process. They originally came from the warm western coast of South America and don't respond well to temperatures below 50 degrees. Cool temperatures can change a tomato's composition, converting its natural sugar to starch and resulting in a tasteless, mealy tomato. For this reason, never refrigerate a tomato. The cold environment causes the water in the tomato to expand, ruining the texture.If a tomato feels soft, there's a chance it will be mealy, but, unfortunately, it isn't always possible to tell before slicing. What is the best way to ripen and store tomatoes?Place them at room temperature in a single layer, shoulder-side up, and out of direct sunlight. To store ripe tomatoes for any extended period of time, keep them between 55 and 65 degrees.My grocer sells little net bags of tomatoes still attached to a vine. Are these really worth their high price? Those tomatoes were not necessarily ripe when picked, so they often lack flavor. They're generally not worth the extra expense.When should you use canned tomatoes? Opt for canned tomatoes when you want them. Otherwise, let the season be your guide and use fresh tomatoes whenever possible.What are the flavor differences among red, yellow, orange, green, and purple tomatoes? Generally speaking, yellow and orange tomatoes tend to be less acidic than red and are therefore sweeter. These tomatoes have a fruity, almost tropical flavor as a result of their low acidity. Because their sugars aren't fully developed, green tomatoes have a tart, citrusy tang. Purple and blackish varieties have a complex flavor similar to red wine. In general, when is it necessary to peel tomatoes? Since peeling tomatoes is time-consuming, I avoid the process whenever possible. For most salsas, salads, and sandwiches, or when eating out of hand, the skin holds the tomato together, so peeling is unnecessary. For more delicate soups and sauces, like our Tomato Garlic Soup with Parmesan Croutons, the peel can be a nuisance. To peel, use a small paring knife to score the bottom of each tomato with an "X," cutting just through the skin but not into the flesh. Place the tomatoes in a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove them with a slotted spoon; quickly plunge the tomatoes into a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. Once they've cooled, you can easily peel away the skins from the tomatoes. What's the best way to slice and seed tomatoes?Anyone who's tried to cut a tomato with a dull knife knows the challenge; the skins are tougher than they look. A sharp serrated knife is the best tool for the job. To seed a tomato, remove the core. Holding the tomato with the core side up, cut the tomato crosswise. Using the tip of a knife, remove and discard the seeds from each tomato half.
Good Morning.
Here is something interesting and helpful.Tomatoes.Oh how America loves the tomato. The aroma of the vine, sweetness of the flesh, and juicy acidity spur between 25 and 40 million of us to grow tomatoes in gardens, containers, and window boxes each year. There are few greater pleasures than a just-picked ripe, red tomato still warm from the summer sun, or a basket of juicy heirloom tomatoes from your farmers' market.More than any other fruit or vegetable, the tomato has changed the face of modern cuisine. Whether you toss chopped tomatoes into a beef stew, slide a few slices into a BLT, or layer them with their soul mate, basil, tomatoes have become ubiquitous. But even the reddest, plumpest specimens can disappoint when it comes to flavor and juiciness. Finding the best choice, knowing its flavor secrets, and understanding the best way to preserve that flavor will deepen your enthusiasm for one of summer's great tastes.How do you pick a good tomato? Not by looks. Some of the best-tasting tomatoes happen to be some of the homeliest. And picture-perfect tomatoes can be flavorless. Picking a good tomato starts at home, or in your neighborhood. Home-grown tomatoes can't be beat. But when you buy tomatoes, smell them -- a good tomato should smell like a tomato, especially at the stem end.How do you make a lackluster tomato taste better? Even the best tomatoes taste a little better with a sprinkle of salt, which accentuates the balance of sweetness and acidity. If you have a tomato that's flavorless beyond a restorative touch of salt, drizzle a few drops of balsamic vinegar or honey over it to bring out both the sweetness and acidity. Grilling, roasting, and stewing can also give a bland tomato life: When you apply heat, the tomato's moisture evaporates, concentrating its flavor. What makes a tomato mealy? Bye Bye Dad.
Good Morning."Time is so precious- do not waste is."Don't be surprised , this is old Dad. This Blog is one that I have had for a few years. The reason that I am reviving it is because of the pictures and real good advice on Tomatoes that are in it. I will not be posting in this every day, but when something extra special comes up I will be ready for it.....
I will notify you in mr regual blog when something new is here. DAD.
This is all for this day, I hope to see you again soon.BYE BYE DADwhite6416r@aol.com