Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Good Afternoon,

Spring is getting close, I have my tomato sites ploughed and ready to go. I plan to have my plants in the ground by April 15th if all goes as planed. Hope that I can be of some help to any of you that may have questions, And I may be calling on you if I need help in answering some hard questions that I receive.

The weather here in The Tennessee Valley is not very
pleaant today. Lite cold rain falling, with a tempeature of 38 at 12:49 PM.

Below is a link to my journal. Dad's Tomato Gardrn Journal. From that journal there will be links to more pages. that I beleive you will enjoy.

Will stop with this thought for today that a good friend, Andrew used to quote.

" Try and fail if you must, but never fail to try "

I would appreciate a comment from you very much. If you are not a blog member you may send it to me on Dad'sTomato Garden Journal Also my E-Mail is

All for today, Smile today, it might help someone. Bye Bye DAD

Monday, March 07, 2005


Good Afternoon,

My last post has been on long enough, so I need to try and change it a little so you will know that I am still on the job. I am keeping busy trying to get ready for this tomato season which is fast approaching. I love to raise tomatoes, I am getting ready to answer any questions about growing tomatoes that you may have. I sure don't know every thing about it, but I usualy can get some help from other growers, My E-Mail is Would be glad to hear from you anytime.

Click the link below for some good information from Burpee's. I would be glad for a comment from any of you. Dad.

Here is a little poem that I like, its so true.

Ed and john were little boys in the long ago, Playing marbles day by day, just like boys you know, Ed was clever, so was John. Ed one difference bore- Winning marbles when he played made him wish for more. Heavier grew his little sack, still on winning bent- Ed had more than he could use, but was not content.

John played marbles now and then, never lost them all; Had enough to join the game when the boys would call, Played at baseball, climbed the trees, loved the birds, and knew, Many a thrill of doing things Ed would never do, Kept his marbles in a sack smaller far than Ed's; Hadn't more than fifty nibs,blues and and whites and reds.

"John " said Ed one day to him, still on marbles bent, " I've a thousand in my sack, but I'm not content. Just how many have you ? Answered a few. Fifty marbles , I should say, but I've more than you." More than I "? said Ed, surprised " surely that can't be !" "Yes " -said John, " I've more than you- I've all I want you see."

Rich man, piling wealth on wealth, catch John's point of view! Who has all he wants today is richer far than you.

I received some good information from Burpees today That I would like to pass on to you.Click the link below to view. It is regarding Seed Starting.

( There are some errors on this journal, I will correct them on the next post- Sorry. Dad. )

Burpee Seed Company

All for now. see you soon . BYE BYE